
Planning Reform: The doubling of planning fees will promote world-class teams

Planning Fees Reform

Stephen Pratt, Group Land Director at Godwin Developments, commented on the need for planning reform: “One of the most interesting points that the housing secretary Robert Jenrick announced in his speech today was the reform of planning fees and linking these to performance. 

“As a national developer, one of the biggest barriers we experience to the turnaround of sites is the lengthy, and often uncertain, planning process. Planning delays not only impede delivery of development but also result in significant cost per year from lost opportunities, consultants’ fees and manpower.

“We have previously suggested that we would support a move to double planning fees, as long as this money is ring-fenced and reinvested in local planning departments for training and development of staff as well as improving systems to speed up the entire process. Planning departments require bright young talent who can modernise the system and work with developers and local communities to address the housing shortage.”